This is a list of my past and upcoming public speaking engagements.

droidcon Berlin #dcbln21
CityCube Berlin, Berlin, Germany
21 October 2021
Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe even made you feel like your achievements were nothing special? That voice is more common than you think!
In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter. You will learn how to notice the early signs of its onset and manage the situation to your benefit.
Finally, you will learn to use simple tools that will help you recognize and acknowledge your achievements and help yourself and others fight the invisible menace.

Projects reinvented
Hotel Antunović, Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
28 September 2021
Adaptivni "Agile" - novo normalno?
Fokus prezentacije:
> Lekcije koje smo naučili prilikom prilagodbe na novo „normalno“
> Kako osigurati produktivnost u neočekivano stresnoj situaciji?
> Kako miitigirati manjak „face-to-face“ suradnje i je li ona nužna?
> Kako razbiti (i dalje prisutnu) stigmu rada od doma?
> Gdje je granica agilnosti i kaosa?
Agilni „mindset“ je bio ključan za prilagodbu Assecovog mobile tima na poslovanje tijekom pandemije, od suradnje internog i vanjskih timovima, komunikacije s klijentima, ali i za općenitu organizaciju rada. U ovoj prezentaciji ćemo proći što smo sve prihvatili, čega smo se odrekli i kako smo usprkos svemu uspjeli dodatno napredovati.
Ključne poruke („take-aways“):
1. Ljudi su (uvijek) prioritet - briga o pojedincima je briga o timu
2. Prava prilagodba znači prihvaćanje novih, ali i napuštanje starih navika
3. Metodologije, alati i pristup ljudima nikad nisu „one size fits all“

Level up - Soft Skills Summit
Virtual conference, ONLINE, CONFERENCE
04 June 2021
Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe even made you feel like your achievements were nothing special? That voice is more common than you think!
In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter. You will learn how to notice the early signs of its onset and manage the situation to your benefit.
Finally, you will learn to use simple tools that will help you recognize and acknowledge your achievements and help yourself and others fight the invisible menace.

Chicago Roboto 2020 #chicagoroboto
One North Wacker, Chicago 60606, Illinois
28 September 2020
presented together with Karlo Levak
Don't ask for security, ask for an adventure! Or not?
Mobile security has come a long way in the last few years, but it has definitely had its share of design and implementation faux pas, some far more memorable than others.
In this talk we'll go through Android and iOS security and its history; trends that were invented, reinvented and copied, how each platform approaches keeping their users safe, and share a laugh about the mistakes that were made along the way.
In the end you'll have greater insight in the history of security, how it has shaped the design of both platforms and how you can contribute to a greater user experience in your applications, while keeping your users safe!

Shift Dev Conference 2020 #shiftdev
Sustipan, Split, Croatia
14 September 2020
Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe even made you feel like your achievements were nothing special? That voice is more common than you think!
In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter. You will learn how to notice the early signs of its onset and manage the situation to your benefit.
Finally, you will learn to use simple tools that will help you recognize and acknowledge your achievements and help yourself and others fight the invisible menace.

mDevCamp 2020 #mdevcamp
Virtual conference, ONLINE, CONFERENCE
10 June 2020
An application ID might define your app among all others, but its signature is what proves and confirms its identity and integrity. From working in distributed teams to fending off fraudulent clones of your application, you eventually come to understand the importance of signatures.
In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the Android keystore system, certificates and signatures, and go over key points necessary for any application's long and productive life. Also, we will explore some security tips and tricks that will help ensure your app is safe to use, even if the users are faced with its evil twin.

Javantura v7
Hotel Panorama, Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
22 February 2020
Managing development or developing management - survival instructions
presented together with Martin Grmek
Can't keep them together and you can't keep them apart - projects stand still without both.
One cannot give correct estimations, other understand nothing but deadlines. How do we find common ground and ensure the best conditions for any project to thrive?
Join us in discovering the 10 steps for a peaceful and prosperous coexsistance of management and development.

Javantura v7
Hotel Panorama, Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
22 February 2020
Building an effective team from zero
presented together with Karlo Levak
The reality that any employer faces today is that it is increasingly difficult to find new talent. Once you do find them, you need keep your employees challenged and happy in order for them to stay.
Last year we took a leap of faith and ventured in setting up an office at a remote location where we previously did not have a significant presence and achieved a mutually beneficial collaboration with the University of Rijeka.
We will demonstrate how we provided industry based knowledge to students, details of our internship program and how we managed to setup and grow an effective team of 9 that is thriving.
Finally, we will share our wins and fails, what we have learned and how we managed to have fun along the way.

RiTeh 2019
RiTeh (University of Rijeka), Rijeka, Croatia (Hrvatska)
06 December 2019
How to do corporate in a startup way
presented together with Karlo Levak
Doing serious work in a corporative environment requires experience and expertise. Having a startup mentality makes it fast and effective. Join us and learn how to get the best of both worlds and have fun at the same time

droidcon India 2019 #droidconIN #droidconindia #droidconchennai
Hotel Green Park, Chennai, India
02 November 2019
Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe even made you feel like your achievements were nothing special? That voice is more common than you think!
In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter. You will learn how to notice the early signs of its onset and manage the situation to your benefit.
Finally, you will learn to use simple tools that will help you recognize and acknowledge your achievements and help yourself and others fight the invisible menace.

droidcon London 2019 #droidconUK
Business Design Centre, London, United Kingdom
24 October 2019
Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe even made you feel like your achievements were nothing special? That voice is more common than you think!
In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter. You will learn how to notice the early signs of its onset and manage the situation to your benefit.
Finally, you will learn to use simple tools that will help you recognize and acknowledge your achievements and help yourself and others fight the invisible menace.

TestCon Europe 2019
Multikino, Vilnius, Lithuania
16 October 2019
Break your app before someone else does
You can never really know just how secure your app is until you've done your best trying to break it.
In a world where building apps is similar to playing with Legos, the sturdiness and stability of our creations is mostly tested by others. Unfortunately, this places our users at risk of exposing their data into potentially harmful hands.
Let's dive together and explore a series of practical, hands-on examples on how to explore an app, dismantle it and alter it in a way it wasn't intended to be.

droidcon Greece 2019 #droidconGR19 #Crete #Heraklion
Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion, Iraklio 712 01, Greece
24 September 2019
An application ID might define your app among all others, but its signature is what proves and confirms its identity and integrity. From working in distributed teams to fending off fraudulent clones of your application, you eventually come to understand the importance of signatures.
In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the Android keystore system, certificates and signatures, and go over key points necessary for any application's long and productive life. Also, we will explore some security tips and tricks that will help ensure your app is safe to use, even if the users are faced with its evil twin.

droidcon NYC 2019 #DCNYC19
Brooklyn Expo Center, New York City, NY, United States
26 August 2019
Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe even made you feel like your achievements were nothing special? That voice is more common than you think!
In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter. You will learn how to notice the early signs of its onset and manage the situation to your benefit.
Finally, you will learn to use simple tools that will help you recognize and acknowledge your achievements and help yourself and others fight the invisible menace.

JavaCro 2019
Hotel Sol Garden Istra, Umag, Croatia (Hrvatska)
14 May 2019
Managing development or developing management - survival instructions
presented together with Martin Grmek
Can't keep them together and you can't keep them apart - projects stand still without both.
One cannot give correct estimations, other understand nothing but deadlines. How do we find common ground and ensure the best conditions for any project to thrive?
Join us in discovering the 10 steps for a peaceful and prosperous coexsistance of management and development.

App Start Contest 2019
FER (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing), Zagreb, Croatia
07 May 2019
Mobile application security basics
presented together with Karlo Levak

RiTeh 2019
RiTeh (University of Rijeka), Rijeka, Croatia (Hrvatska)
16 April 2019
Mobile application security basics
presented together with Karlo Levak

droidcon Boston 2019 #DroidconBos
Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts – BCA, Boston, MA, United States
08 April 2019
Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe even made you feel like your achievements were nothing special? That voice is more common than you think!
In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter. You will learn how to notice the early signs of its onset and manage the situation to your benefit.
Finally, you will learn to use simple tools that will help you recognize and acknowledge your achievements and help yourself and others fight the invisible menace.

Javantura v6 2019
Hotel Panorama, Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
23 February 2019
A lean and flexible approach to rapid mobile development
presented together with Martin Grmek
The fast pace in the fintech industry places great demands on companies to deliver highly modular and functional products. Developers need to support their clients with everchanging UI and business logic requests. How do you utilize your resources to achieve maximum efficiency and reliability, without sacrificing your team's time and sanity?
In this presentation, you will learn how adaptive elements can help you eliminate business logic from mobile, allowing focus on beautiful client-side application while securing Client's business needs. You will walk away with greater insight on how to improve your development process and keep your team happy and productive.

GDG DevFest Croatia
HUB385, Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
01 December 2018
Application signing and key management - Do it right!
Want your Android application to have a long and happy existence? Want to keep your end users and organisation safe? Join us and learn more about mitigating future problems by using Google Play App Signing and best practices regarding key management.

Øredev 2018 #Oredev #oredev
MalmöMässan Exhibition & Congress Center, Malmö, Sweden
21 November 2018
An application ID might define your app among all others, but its signature is what proves and confirms its identity and integrity. From working in distributed teams to fending off fraudulent clones of your application, you eventually come to understand the importance of signatures.
In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the Android keystore system, certificates and signatures, and go over key points necessary for any application's long and productive life. Also, we will explore some security tips and tricks that will help ensure your app is safe to use, even if the users are faced with its evil twin.

Mobile Era 2018 #mobileera #mobileera18
Felix Conference Centre, Oslo, Norway
02 November 2018
An application ID might define your app among all others, but its signature is what proves and confirms its identity and integrity. From working in distributed teams to fending off fraudulent clones of your application, you eventually come to understand the importance of signatures.
In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the Android keystore system, certificates and signatures, and go over key points necessary for any application's long and productive life. Also, we will explore some security tips and tricks that will help ensure your app is safe to use, even if the users are faced with its evil twin.

droidcon London 2018 #DroidconUK
Business Design Centre, London, United Kingdom
25 October 2018
An application ID might define your app among all others, but its signature is what proves and confirms its identity and integrity. From working in distributed teams to fending off fraudulent clones of your application, you eventually come to understand the importance of signatures.
In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the Android keystore system, certificates and signatures, and go over key points necessary for any application's long and productive life. Also, we will explore some security tips and tricks that will help ensure your app is safe to use, even if the users are faced with its evil twin.

JavaCro 2018
Island Hotel Istra, Rovinj, Croatia (Hrvatska)
09 May 2018
presented together with Petra Janeš Šmerda
Transparent and direct communication is crucial in any workplace, especially when dealing with remote work.
While clarity improves accountability, there are situations where a constant stream of information exchange can hinder your team's progress. Where is the fine line between productivity and chaos? In this presentation, we will demonstrate how communication between local and distributed teams can be concise, allowing maximum effectiveness.
You will walk away with better knowledge about the dos and don'ts in supporting team communication that will ultimately boost your productivity.

Android Makers 2018 #AndroidMakers2
Le Beffroi, Montrouge, Paris, France
23 April 2018
An application ID might define your app among all others, but its signature is what proves and confirms its identity and integrity. From working in distributed teams to fending off fraudulent clones of your application, you eventually come to understand the importance of signatures.
In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the Android keystore system, certificates and signatures, and go over key points necessary for any application's long and productive life. Also, we will explore some security tips and tricks that will help ensure your app is safe to use, even if the users are faced with its evil twin.

droidcon Turin 2018 #droidconit
OGR - Officine Grandi Riparazioni, Torino (Turin), Italy
20 April 2018
An application ID might define your app among all others, but its signature is what proves and confirms its identity and integrity. From working in distributed teams to fending off fraudulent clones of your application, you eventually come to understand the importance of signatures.
In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the Android keystore system, certificates and signatures, and go over key points necessary for any application's long and productive life. Also, we will explore some security tips and tricks that will help ensure your app is safe to use, even if the users are faced with its evil twin.

App Builders CH 2018 #appbuilders18
Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano, Switzerland
16 April 2018
Break your app before someone else does
You can never really know just how secure your app is until you've done your best trying to break it.
In a world where building apps is similar to playing with Legos, the sturdiness and stability of our creations is mostly tested by others. Unfortunately, this places our users at risk of exposing their data into potentially harmful hands.
Let's dive together and explore a series of practical, hands-on examples on how to explore an app, dismantle it and alter it in a way it wasn't intended to be.

droidcon Dubai 2018 #droidconae
in5 Tech, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
13 April 2018
An application ID might define your app among all others, but its signature is what proves and confirms its identity and integrity. From working in distributed teams to fending off fraudulent clones of your application, you eventually come to understand the importance of signatures.
In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the Android keystore system, certificates and signatures, and go over key points necessary for any application's long and productive life. Also, we will explore some security tips and tricks that will help ensure your app is safe to use, even if the users are faced with its evil twin.

droidcon Boston 2018
Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts – BCA, Boston, MA, United States
26 March 2018
An application ID might define your app among all others, but its signature is what proves and confirms its identity and integrity. From working in distributed teams to fending off fraudulent clones of your application, you eventually come to understand the importance of signatures.
In this talk, we will take a deep dive into the Android keystore system, certificates and signatures, and go over key points necessary for any application's long and productive life. Also, we will explore some security tips and tricks that will help ensure your app is safe to use, even if the users are faced with its evil twin.

FER (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing), Zagreb, Croatia
22 March 2018
Osnove sigurnosti na mobilnoj platformi Android

droidcon Krakow 2017 #droidconPL2017 #droidconPL
Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
01 December 2017
Break your app before someone else does
You can never really know just how secure your app is until you've done your best trying to break it.
In a world where building apps is similar to playing with Legos, the sturdiness and stability of our creations is mostly tested by others. Unfortunately, this places our users at risk of exposing their data into potentially harmful hands.
Let's dive together and explore a series of practical, hands-on examples on how to explore an app, dismantle it and alter it in a way it wasn't intended to be.

droidcon SF 2017 #DCSF17
Mission Bay Conference Center, San Francisco, CA, United States
05 November 2017
Break your app before someone else does
You can never really know just how secure your app is until you've done your best trying to break it.
In a world where building apps is similar to playing with Legos, the sturdiness and stability of our creations is mostly tested by others. Unfortunately, this places our users at risk of exposing their data into potentially harmful hands.
Let's dive together and explore a series of practical, hands-on examples on how to explore an app, dismantle it and alter it in a way it wasn't intended to be.

mobiconf 2017 #mobiconf2017
Multikino Kraków, Kraków, Poland
05 October 2017
Break your app before someone else does
You can never really know just how secure your app is until you've done your best trying to break it.
In a world where building apps is similar to playing with Legos, the sturdiness and stability of our creations is mostly tested by others. Unfortunately, this places our users at risk of exposing their data into potentially harmful hands.
Let's dive together and explore a series of practical, hands-on examples on how to explore an app, dismantle it and alter it in a way it wasn't intended to be.

Chicago Roboto 2017 #ChicagoRoboto
W Hotel Chicago - City Center, Chicago, IL, United States
20 April 2017
Break your app before someone else does
You can never really know just how secure your app is until you've done your best trying to break it.
In a world where building apps is similar to playing with Legos, the sturdiness and stability of our creations is mostly tested by others. Unfortunately, this places our users at risk of exposing their data into potentially harmful hands.
Let's dive together and explore a series of practical, hands-on examples on how to explore an app, dismantle it and alter it in a way it wasn't intended to be.

droidcon London 2016
Business Design Centre, London, United Kingdom
27 October 2016
Safety first - Best practices in app security
Smartphones have become an extension of the user, allowing them to buy stuff, pay for services and hold a strong social presence. This places strict demands on security and data privacy.
If you want your users to be comfortable using your app, you must place emphasis on utilising the security methods at your disposal.
In this talk we will cover the best practices in app security, demonstrate common mistakes and pitfalls and share what we've learned in our own experience in the mobile banking industry.

droidcon Vienna 2016 #droidconvie
FH Technikum Wien, Vienna (Wien), Austria
16 September 2016
Safety first - Best practices in app security
Smartphones have become an extension of the user, allowing them to buy stuff, pay for services and hold a strong social presence. This places strict demands on security and data privacy.
If you want your users to be comfortable using your app, you must place emphasis on utilising the security methods at your disposal.
In this talk we will cover the best practices in app security, demonstrate common mistakes and pitfalls and share what we've learned in our own experience in the mobile banking industry.

360|AnDev 2016 #360AnDev
Holiday Inn Express Denver Downtown, Denver, CO, United States
28 July 2016
Safety first - Best practices in app security
Smartphones have become an extension of the user, allowing them to buy stuff, pay for services and hold a strong social presence. This places strict demands on security and data privacy.
If you want your users to be comfortable using your app, you must place emphasis on utilising the security methods at your disposal.
In this talk we will cover the best practices in app security, demonstrate common mistakes and pitfalls and share what we've learned in our own experience in the mobile banking industry.

droidcon Zagreb 2016
Hotel Antunović, Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
28 April 2016
Safety first - Best practices in app security
Smartphones have become an extension of the user, allowing them to buy stuff, pay for services and hold a strong social presence. This places strict demands on security and data privacy.
If you want your users to be comfortable using your app, you must place emphasis on utilising the security methods at your disposal.
In this talk we will cover the best practices in app security, demonstrate common mistakes and pitfalls and share what we've learned in our own experience in the mobile banking industry.